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Poem 1: A Beginning

I sat and I wondered, to myself in my head, what shall I do before going to bed? "There's not much day left; there's no time ...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Poem 137: Monday

Monday is a tiring day, when everyone would sleep in late
if not awoken by their clocks which ring in early morn.
The snooze is pressed, the face is hid from sunlight that just seeps right in
and once again the week begins, with sleepy Monday snores...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Poem 136: Sunday

Sunday is the greatest day, if you ask most then they will say
there's much 'bout Sunday they sure like, and much more they adore
For if you go to church there's friends and all day long the fun won't end
cause Sunday is like Saturday, a chance to life-explore.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Poem 135: Saturday

Saturday means many things depending on the type of day
Sometimes it means go out and play real early in the morn'
And other times, when skies are gray, a Saturday can mean just stay
curled inside the covers, which at night have kept you warm.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Poem 134: Cardboard

I placed my life into a box to carry it away
I held it close, and locked it tight, and never let it stray.
It was my pet, with cardboard flap and pen marks on the back
but I forgot my life inside this massive cardboard sack.

I placed my life into a bag to contain its many parts
I threw in everything I owned, and feelings of the heart
It was my haven from the world, my safety from all pain
but in not trusting risk or self, I limited my gain.

I placed my life into the hands, I learned to trust with time
I set my fears upon His scars and rest upon His rhyme
"My darling daughter, peace is here; lay your burden down.
I will hold your life for you, and you may wear my crown."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poem 133: Snow Day

We were promised just the day before 
that skies would dump a fluff downpour
and now as I sit with my clock
I wonder if the sky forgot.
My alarm has long past sung to me
But I snooze and listen joyfully
waiting very patiently 
for a message from the school.

We were promised just the day before
that skies would dump a fluff downpour
now I wait most anxiously 
and tap to ticking time.
An hour now has passed away
and not one word has come to say
that, just as promised, snow has fell
upon my middle school.

We were promised just the day before
that skies would dump a fluff downpour
and now I realize I'll be late
if school's not canceled soon.
I check the web and view the news
and just once more I hit the snooze
but when it rings once more I'll know
that I am late to school.

We were promised just the day before
that skies would dump a fluff downpour
and now...
Look! Wait!
That's a snowflake!
I'm staying home from school.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Poem 132: At Last

At Last
The night has slipped away
Revealing warmest, calmest day
At Last
The worries have been stilled
With new life brimming o're I'm filled
At Last
The summer sun has come
To warm the ground, and frozen ones
At Last 
My tightened muscles rest
And time is let from choice's test.

At Last 
I stand at this wide door
And wait until I will know more
"At Last"
Sometime I'll say again
"This choice, in past, I welcomed in"
At Last 
I've come, now future leads
"Take care," my heart to God now pleads
At Last
I've chosen, now I wait
To see how God will shape my fate

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Poem 131: A hunt for HOME

Today I want to fly away from where I am 
and land on any untouched peace of sun-warmed sand
or melt into a backdrop where no man has ever been 
or stand upon a mountain side that towers over oceans wide 
and look into the far away, or perhaps simply fly away 
...maybe never land

Monday, February 21, 2011

Poem 130: Moving On

The ticking of the clock is fading fast between the thoughts of day
I'm able to remember only the past moments which remain
Somehow in the midst of time, within the seconds flying by
the day and all what it contains, zooms unnoticeably by.

Where is the path of thought I walked in moments now forgot?
What conversations have I left without a gracious thought?
How can I now re-enter there, where strangers and friends near
for in my mind my thoughts are clear, but they are not for here.

I'm distracted by the ways of man, home searches, and a cast-iron pan
I'm looking towards a brand new start, and thinking of the sand
but really the problem's heart, I no longer enjoy my part
in learning how to teach with art, and so I'm moving on

I'm moving homes, my search is now; it has begun it's dance
but current's blurred in future's curve of unknown circumstance.
God, I pray You give me strength to continue down this road
when all I'd like to do today is embrace another's soul.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Poem 129: Sweet

My sweet, you have said oh so much with one, kind, gentle touch.
So sweet the softness of that brush that caught my thoughts in hush.
The sweetest treat lain in my hand, no longer draws me in.
Instead, my sweet, your smile and hand, as guide will surely win.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Poem 128: Boundaries in the Sand

Drawing boundaries in the sand
I wait for tides to change
To wash them all away

Making fences out of sticks
I light a match and watch
Flames consume these bits

Watching clock hands ticking past
I simply turn my face
And forget, to make time last

Fighting fire with the flame
Fighting water with the waves
Fighting time with timeless things

Drawing boundaries in the sand

Friday, February 18, 2011

Poem 127: Twelve O'clock

The midnight bell has rung my dear
you missed your goal to leave
it seems like as night has drawn near
we've slipped between time's seams.
There still, you sit with tilted head 
in silent gaze watch me
perhaps, my love, its time we placed
some distance in between

You on your side of this soft place
and me accross the room
I guess the distance that is felt 
will help us start anew
But, maybe as I scoot away
you'll pull my close again.
Forget your goal to leave, and stay
Rest head upon my chin.

But, oh, be strong and meet your goal
I will not coax you more
Here is your coat.  Here is the door
but one hug for the road

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Poem 126: quick limerick

This is a quick little limerick
it carries a chance for a pin prick
but if you listen close
your eyes mouth and nose
will be free of my limerick-timed pen tricks

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Poem 125: A Great Day For UP!

"It is a great day for UP,"  said Dr. Suess circulating hourly in my head.
I looked up, but nothing was seen in that UP direction.
Instead it rained, and I reminded myself, in callous remorse, that Dr. Suess is dead.  
As the rain poured on my head, in sorrow like a puddle of quicksand engulfing me in the sludge of life,
The rain threw me a beckon of light, reminding my eyes to gaze UP.

Looking there, truth 's rainbow anointed the sky with hope and I was enlightened that there are times when only the rain can cause the haze to lift, and make my eyes truly focus UP.

Up hands
Up feet
Up eyes
Up mind
UP, UP, UP, 
Yes, TODAY is a great day for UP!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poem 124: High Hopes

I held my guard up long as I knew how
'till all care to being hurt had been thrown out
but now, in this time that pulls thoughts down
the battle 'tween heart and mind's played out

I told you, "I've no expectations"
But my brain to my heart has miss-stated
time gone, ticked away, growth embellished with pain 
disappointment in mind makes my heart strain.

I tried to reduce all enjoyment
I strangled feelings and rationalized emotions
but when strength fails, feelings prevail
and I'm succumb to these chance disappointments

Monday, February 14, 2011

Poem 123: Valentine Art



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Poem 122: Cookie

Crunchy on the very edge
light brown from underneath
you stand and sit in regal state
as other's bow on knees.
Your soft and mellow insides will
explode when tongue has seen, 
but for now, cookie, I am thrilled
that you are here with me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Poem 121: Fires of the Soul

Beneath this smoldering core, there is a fire in the soul
that burns much hotter than the cold could ever know.

Inside this flickering shell, there's a heart that I know well
it's hot to touch and soft to see, refreshing the weary.

In depth of fire's war, my soul cries out, implores
The heat has so long kept me warm, I want of nothing more.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Poem 120: MAX Tracks in metaphor

There is no way to arrive without first boarding
and no way to board without first moving.
Max Tracks will carry you to
the place where you are going
as long as you board the train 
that's heading
for your destination.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Poem 119: What I don't know

What I don't know, at times, accentuates what I do
and turns choice into a twisting-turning pot of goo
securing future thoughts inside a basket
woven from the finest heart strings of desire
and splitting mind inside it
with complete and utter confusion.

Piled around this mass emotion of knots
what I don't know acts against me
coercing me to explore the uncharted territory of life
while meanwhile, imploring me, in varied form
to move away from those things which taunt my soul
and instead, attempts to pull me towards the comfort of what is known.

What I don't know beckons me, and inhibits me.
It calls me forward, and chains my feet to the floor.
It drags me in front of myself, and then bars me from my own view.

What I don't know saves me from what I could know
yet pleads with me to investigate a deeper truth.
The search is on, and I'm certain that soon
What I don't know now, will become the 'truth' I always knew.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Poem 118: I 'thunk' thoughtful thinking thoughts

Someone once said to me,
"What you do not know can't hurt you"
but I think that what they really meant was:
What you're sure about can pain.

It seems like days go on
and what I know becomes a burden
while truths I'm unaware of may
just mentally dissipate. 

So, do not tell me any more
to stretch my mind, or challenge thought
because I'm sure that 98% of
what you say's already 'brained'

My problem is, in life,
is that there's always more to think
there's thoughts to be rethunk
and some that blossom from that think.

There's thinkings to be thought about
and more to be compared
sometimes there's too much thought being thunk
and mind needs to be cleared.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Poem 117: DREAMingCOLD

Its cold now that the sun has left
the heat has left my feelings deaf
and now as my limbs frozen rise
I'm sure that sleep has caught my eyes.
For in the moments that I stood
the pain beneath me grew and should
have knocked me off my feet, but then
a small soft hand, and strong wide grin
from far away held up my weight
and in that moment of changed fate
I realized there was no mistake
for surely I was not awake
but in the guise of dreamer's state.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Poem 116: Too Much

There is too much to do in one lifetime
Though I could fill up one life with this one rhyme.
If I make it short
Then perhaps there’ll be more
Room for life-writing once it's o'er.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Poem 115: Giving-up

I failed once today
And sent some hope astray.
I failed twice and then
Sighed but held my grin.
I failed thrice and now I know
I’ll try as long as I can go.
When failing four and five and six
Moving-on is near this mix.
But stubborn still I fail again
Now seven, eight and nine and then
The tenth time I am sure I’ll win

But, nope. I fail once again.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Poem 114: RIP The Internet

No internet, is hard to think
An empty space; a cyber leak
What do I do if I don’t have
The helpful, well used internet?
Where will I find those answers to
The questions that are in my head?
Or stream movies when I’m off to bed?
Google can’t rescue me now.
No Facebook to ask friends to help.
Does 911 respond to calls
When the internet is dead?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Poem 113: A word to Realign the Movements in a Sentence of Love From a Bigger Being

I sat there, just thinking of my own shortcomings
Not wanting to be stirred by the desire to fly or sing
but desiring above all, the pity in which I laid my heart 
to mourn the lonely tears of being a broken being.
In the silence I pondered the reason behind the tears of mourning 
and found a stillness where no person seemed to dwell
But, in the absence of life there was one still breath.
It stood beyond the pools of sunlight that dripped with new dew of the morning.
As I approached it, the world transformed around me 
as if a new day had alighted upon me in the middle of a time so full of distress.
Then, in the silence there wasn't silence any longer.  
The sounds slowly became unbearable, 
much like the constant ticking of a grandfather clock in an empty house.  
The steady, rhythmic pattern overwhelmed my soul 
until my ears burst to shards that kill from the quiet noise, 
loud amongst the silence.

I sat in such a state: 
Eardrums beating hard against the emptiness.
Their steady soundings hard and fast and predictable in an unusually unnoticeable way.
And then the drumming broke as bread is broken in communion: soft and inaudibly.
And the flowing of a refreshing stream calmed the stiffness of the peace, and gentled the rhythm of the sunshine dancing upon reflections in the lake of time.
It was these words that brought rest to the frigged bones that watched the world change in mind.

"You aren't meant to bare alone."

and then the silence returned, as if a wind had simply blown by.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Poem 112: (aBdgmnorsw)


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Poem 111: One

One is a one-sound word that has its own ring and tone and form, and loans NOT one
Second meaning.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Poem 110: It Isn't What You Think

It isn't what you think.
You'll read what you will read.
Those thoughts inside your head.
They sing of past gone memories.

It isn't what you think.
You'll see what you will see.
The picture in your head's.
created by you, not by me.

The truth that's found inside your thoughts.
It's deeper showing not my heart
but yours, my friend.
So look instead, to you
and don't read me.