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Poem 1: A Beginning

I sat and I wondered, to myself in my head, what shall I do before going to bed? "There's not much day left; there's no time ...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Poem 168: Welcoming the Spring

Although you've tried to hide your face
quite far away, I see
it poking through the cloudy lace 
that's between you and me.
You shine so radiant and bright
and move so smooth and free.
Oh brilliant sun, from clouds you rise
and welcome in the Spring.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Poem 167: Pea Water (to be read aloud)

Sitting there is pea water
the color's slightly off.
It's not the clear it used to be
it's really rather odd.
There floating in it are green chunks
They're little more than simply mush.
That silly, greenish pea water
with squishy little chunks.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Poem 166: tears


Monday, March 28, 2011

Poem 165: OK

If you ask me how I feel right now,
"I feel OK," I'll say.
I won't say that I 'm feeling great
or down and out with deep-felt hate.
If you ask me if I want to go
I'll say, "OK," and then I will.
"Okay." I'll go. I'll eat. I'll throw
I'll catch. I'll run. I'll give. I'll laugh.
If you ask me now,
In truth I tell,
"I'm okay with that."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Poem 164: Wildhorse

Deep in a canyon, far away
I heard a loving chorus pray.
The words, on wind, they danced about;
They softened heart and all of self.
The prayer ran smooth and beckoned mind
and when I came it stopped clock time.
For in that land, hid by the hills,
the children swarmed and gathered 'round.
God, You were there, and so was I.
Two working friends, Your hands and mine.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Poem 163: Siblings

It all began when you were young;
the firstborn and the only one.
But when I came I wrecked the mold
and turned the three into a four.
Josh came next in different form;
He was the boy, in our girl world.
And now we're old, and split apart
but just in place and not in heart.
For where I go, I'll always pray
in love that safe my siblings stay.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Poem 162: The World is Ending!

"The world is ending in Y2K,"
everyone was saying.
"The world is ending in 2001,"
when it didn't in Y2K.
"The world is ending:
the Mayans said!"
the newspapers quoted them, if you have read.
"The world is ending!" the world has said,
and three times now we've never been dead.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Poem 161: The Pen

The pen is mightier than the sword;
The sword braver than the rope;
The rope stronger than the reed;
The reed sharper than a whip;
A whip harsher than a stick;
A stick with ink once made the pen
mightier than a sword.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Intellect from
Seventy other
Options for

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Poem 159: On the floor

I'm laying on the floor right now
its funny lying here.
And if I roll from right to left 
there's clutter everywhere.
Above my head is a guitar
sitting by three bags or more
and right beside's a PC screen 
that's standing on it head.
The screen leans on an old wood chair
which holds large dolls or teddy bears
and sometimes holds me when I'm not 
lying on the floor.

I'm lying on the floor right now
it's warmer lying here,
but I must roll from right to left
so not to burn what's bare.
The hot wood stove is fired-up.
The flames are roaring high.
The kettle that is on the top
is starting its loud cry.
The heat that's here, my skin absorbs 
through many layered shirts and coats.
But my feet, they take in the most
as I'm lying here.

I'm lying on the floor right now
it's nice to just rest here.
And rolling both to right and left
life's comfortable and clear.
For as my mind begins to fade
and join me on the floor.
I think no more of worried thoughts
concerns or quandaries or unknowns.
My feet are rested up in peace.
My eyes are closed, no thoughts to see
The sun is shinning warm on me
lying on the floor.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Poem 158: JK

Jackie and Kevin are two of a kind
both with wavy hair.
One with chocolate on the mind,
the other with music's air.

They met in a land off distant shores
far away from home,
but later re-met on the internet
and no longer were ever alone.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Poem 157: Torn (A Conversation With a Friend)

A golden friend from days gone by
whispers in my ear.
She says that life to live is here:
"Live: for life disappears!"

But friend of old, I ask of you
in deeper quandaries yet,
"What if the future God beget
is not this finished set?"

My dearest friend, please do speak up
point out my logic flaws...
I know inside, my reasons lacks
but I'm still torn; I'm ripped in half.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Poem 156: Notes of Spring

The notes of Spring
sing songs into the cool breeze
making new buds grow
under unfallen winter leaves.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Poem 155: Clouds Above

There floats above my head right now a tiny little cloud
it blocks the sun, and casts my joys away.
"You, Cloud! " I yell, without a care of others who surround;
"Leave me alone, and let me see the day."

But clouds in their state hear no woes and float without a care.
For when I leaned in, listened close, it's melody filled the air.
"Perhaps, dear Cloud, your whistling sound will bring joy to my ear.
So hover 'bove my head for now; I'll sit in comfort here."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Poem 154: Eye-to-Eye

You and I
we don't see eye-to-eye.
We see in different shades
and hues.

You see lavender.
I see deep purple.
You see royal blue
and I see the sky.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Poem 153: Room Chill

I'm heated like a hot wood stove;
I'm warm beyond belief.
My face is hot, and forehead sweat
is dripping off in sheets.

I need a large mountain of snow
to cool down my feet.
I want an ice-cold soda pop
and 52 Freezies.

I guess you cannot understand
this heat I have inside.
"Brr! Close that door.  It's cold out there"
I think I've froze my hide!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Poem 152: Canceled Class

Class was canceled once again
I think I should feel bad.
But truly, how I feel right now
is really rather glad!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Poem 151: Containing Energy

There is energy surging in my core
climbing from my toes up to my nose 
and exploding on the floor.

It moves and climbs over my calves
and tickles my thighs as it rises high-er
and higher and makes me laugh out loud.

There is energy moving in my stomach
turning circles, jumping over and under
winding its way through me like a snake in water.

It pulls and bends and moves and groves my heart and mind
and I become captured in a cage until I am set free.
I cannot move my feet more to release this energy.
I need wings! Wings!  WINGS!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Poem 150: A Dream

When I awoke from sleep last night
there was a dream that gave me fright.
I almost died, almost being shot
and then the culprit turned the gun
a blood stained mark upon his side
and gun put in the hand of mine.
I threw away across the ice
I screamed to guarantee our fight.
Now, still, in shallows others fade.
They slip being buried in the waves.
Did you not hear them say your name?
Next year they'll rise to try again.
The waves that sink, will rise up then
and surely then will call once more.
To stay or run, I now implore...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Poem 149: A Paige

A Paige in history
a major Paige has turned
a Paige of climax or
a Paige of rhyme and verb

a Paige of new begins
a Paige of sadness ends
a Paige in court to carry
a Paige of finished story

a Paige of friendship now
a Paige of wise know-how
a Paige who laughs and cries
a Paige who dries the eyes

a Paige who carries notes
a Paige who serves and mows
a Paige who gently gives
a Paige who smartly lives

a Paige of book or who
a Paige I'm glad I knew
a Paige, the only you
a Paige of Brown and blue.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Poem 148: Dad (Happy Birthday!)

There isn't a time when I can't rewind and say, "I love you Dad."
There's no moment in my past when I wish it wasn't you I had.
Sure, there were times when I hated what you made us do.
Times when chores were loathed when given harsh and strong by you.
There were times when I swore we were slaves to turn your soil over
but, I learned, and in those times I mastered me and mind grew wiser.
There were moments that I could say I did not understand
the way you thought, or loved, or at anger chose to laugh.
But, in truth I say, just as the sun rises every morn.
I'd choose to have no other dad if I'd to be reborn.

So, dad, this day we celebrate your birth (we're glad you came!)
for if you hadn't been birthed then life wouldn't be the same. 
For one thing you would not be here, to make the world smile
but better yet, you never would've had me as your child!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Poem 147: thE LifE of loVEly Numbers

I am a prime number in so many ways.
You can take me and change me
but, however you may
I will still be a prime. 
If you try, then you'll see. 
Mix and match me, subtract me
or divide me by me.

There is no adjusting my primeness, you see.
Try and guess me, if you can, just what I might be?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

146: Music in The Rafters

Close your eyes, my friend, and listen
to the sounds which float above.
Music dancing in the rafters; 
notes twisting through the clouds.
Be still, and listen, with your whole
and you will hear the words they sing,
of peace and comfort to the souls
which have no other sense of these.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Poem 145: Tuesday Bluesday

Noises sounding out
in the halls, in the class, the voices holler loud
Where is silence in these echoing halls
or peace in this concrete facade
of still?

Noises fill the air
words whispered sound out loud and clear
but I am lost in what-ifs for how
a focused world would save them now
with still

Noises turn my heart
they pour out saddening songs and yell
to be set free or turned around
but I can't hear their words cause I'm 
not still

Noises silence me
they help me reaffirm my feet
and strengthen me to stand up tall
to not give up when noise takes all
my still

Monday, March 7, 2011

Poem 144: 12^2

Two x two is four, and I do believe
Three x three is nine you see, now
Four x four makes more: sixteen.  And
Five x five is twenty five for
Six x six is thirty-six and if you multiply
Seven x seven you get fourty-nine but that's not as great
as eight x eight making sixty-four or
Nine x nine solving to a closed door at eighty-one.

Ten x ten is where the fun begins at 100 then
Eleven x eleven makes one hudred twenty-one
and when we've thought we've all but won
up turns the good ole' twelve x twelve
and number 1-4-4 is shelved. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Poem 143: Addressing

I drove your way before
and knocked hard on your door
and named you friend, but that began
a change inside your heart

and then from that first start
the seed that fell, has grown.
to cover up all other thoughts
and leave the way unknown.

So what now is to do?
us two: me and you?
where to go from here
or should I dissapear
and hide inside the past 
in lonely mirrored glass?

Or should we keep embrace
and close our eyes to face
all things as they are
and hope to be?

I grasped with hands both close
stepped in strong and chose
but what I fear, has hidden here
and now is right before.

So as I thirst for more
and trust God over chance
my heart and mind implore
to brave this new romance

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Poem 142: Red and Black

Red and black will match
if the best choice I pack
but packing now, just seems somehow
to shorten what time we allow.

For what will go with this and that???
"Hurry-up, we must leave now!"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Poem 141: Friday

Friday is a day of breath, it marks the time of each week's death
when after, a vacation's left to lead with anxious rule.
Each Friday I stand by my kids, and realize this is all they get
until the next week comes along, all learning is over and gone.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Poem 140: Thursday

Thursday is a day of norm, its right between two large 'day storms'
when climax fades and weekend gains, this is a day of lull
The planners rest, the young men quest, the others wait in mental set
yet when it's over all have met their steady Thursday goal.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Poem 139: Wednesday

Wednesday is the climax day, where everything is moving strong
The week is halfway over and the work to do is almost done.
But when thoughts rise 'bout weekend time and playing outside rain or shine
what's left to do on Wednesday stands, and pushes us along.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Poem 138: Tuesday

Tuesday is a brightening day, revealing plans for far off things
and bringing hope from yesterday, as plans in motion soar.
for work is done with brand new strength from weekends past and logic's bate
and life continues in this path, with each new Tuesday morn.