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Poem 1: A Beginning

I sat and I wondered, to myself in my head, what shall I do before going to bed? "There's not much day left; there's no time ...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Poem 66: The Foreigner

I wrote this poem during my time living in Korea, and wanted to share it with you today.  Enjoy!


You look at me so strange
leaning forward from your seat to look around the girl beside me.
It's not my beauty that you seem to see.
I am so odd in such a place
and seem to be okay to be put on display and openly stared at.
 I'm an illustrious museum artifact
drilled through with blazing eyes
The stares don't cease when I hide or turn my back on faces.
Rather, they burn through my shielding back.

The world is a haze
and I am the only clarity walking through it with a light.
So, keep on staring, I'm your guide.
 Its strange, cause its seems so clear.
I feel as if I blend in height and hair and all things including soul
but really, I am alone.
The eyes don't cease still.
They are ever looking even when met with my own questioning gaze;

 I'm a monkey in a cage.
Maybe if I make a face things 'll change?
Still the gaze remains, unbroken and fixed upon the one who's strange.
Is it not-ok?  Look on, but don't say a thing.
With speech you'll end up in defeat.
Words are unpronounceable, but thoughts are uncontainable: so stare
"I think I'll get off the subway here."

 Goodbye, and hello stare.

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