The world around me blurs as my eyes focus on the spherical globe at my opponent's feet.
My mind is set to retrieve the ball from this momentary enemy
whose own mind has already seen my defeat played out.
But today, I will win.
My foot moves stealthily through the air hovering for a moment near the sphere
and then with wise-wit revealing its decision to fly past the ball and reverse to snatch it.
The plan works and the ball and foot latch together as if a carpenter's glue held them fast.
They are paired like a exquisite wine and rich, dark chocolate.
Then, in quick and quiet sweet bitterness
the foot kisses its love and pushes it away with a hard, loud echo of release.
The ball runs from its companion, hoping to be caught in a net and not able to stray too far.
This team is successful: foot and sphere.
And in return for their success my mind secures a reunion of pairing:
another chance for mastering the chase, embrace and release
of daring love.
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