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Poem 1: A Beginning

I sat and I wondered, to myself in my head, what shall I do before going to bed? "There's not much day left; there's no time ...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Poem 196: Kittens

I have two kittens in my hands
two voices in my ears
two furry bodies cuddling down
two lives at rest right here

I have two babies in my care
two fluffy little things
they're precious young with eyes still closed
those kittens sleeping here.

I have two kittens in my room
fast asleep in peace
nuzzled, each a perfect being
so small, darling and sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Friend and sister dear
    This is a monument here
    There may be war
    There may be a heart and a mind
    Behind the two are glory divine

    Let this innocence be
    A moment to remember He
    A moment to breathe
    Because life is a journey
    But living happens both here and Italy

    Still your mind friend
    In this peace
    You are loved
    Regardless of what is to come
    You are loved
    You are loved

    By God first, and then by me.
    I like kittens too.
    So soft
    So cuddly
