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Poem 1: A Beginning

I sat and I wondered, to myself in my head, what shall I do before going to bed? "There's not much day left; there's no time ...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Poem 21: gnidaeRBackwords

!gnidnatsrednu egnarts htiw rehtona
dnuof evah ot
lufetaerg ma i hcihw rof
gnidaer sdrowkcab fo tra eht deretsam
evah oot uoy neht siht daer nac uoy fI

1 comment:

  1. Poem 21: Reading Forward

    I’m glad there’s this thing
    Called standards, expectations, living
    We call it time, it moves forward
    Only forward does it go

    Because backward no sense it would make
    Oh no, living backward would be a mistake
    darwkcaB ti dlouw eb tsuj yills
    tuB spahrep s’taht eno fo eht sgniht
    I ekil tseb tuoba eeht

    You live comfortably in your skin
    That’s one thing that draws me in
    I’m so glad we are friends

    Friends moving forward
    Passing the time
    Building each other up
    Backwards in rhyme
